Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Normal people.... Who needs them??

I wish normal people would all just DIE!! They make life hell for our kind, and without them, there will be more room on this cursed planet. With evolved humans dominating the planet, we could move elsewhere using our abilities, and extend our empire into the heavens!! We could be sooo much more as a race with just our kind, no fears or lies to hold us back. With the help of VHS and Zodiac, we can rule, WE CAN BECOME THE OMNI RACE!! WE CAN BECOME GODS!!


  1. Ragnarok, I hope this is not you, and yet I don't know how it can be anyone else. Whoever this, is in a lot of trouble, and I can guarantee that VHS and Zodiac will not be helping with this plan.

    If this is Ragnarok, Playwrite will be along shortly to wipe you and put you back in the real world. None of this ever happened.

    If this is not Ragnarok, run. Seriously, run. I will work out how you hacked this blog, and then I shall hunt you down. FLEE.

  2. I swear on my life T, it wasn't me. How could it be after everything I've done to stop things like this? I certainly would not betray the planet...


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