Monday, 1 November 2010

As Cold as Ice

We arrived in Russia where we got a train to a quiet little village in the middle of Siberia, a few miles south of the frozen castle. With a bit of help 'acquiring' some money from T, we all bought some thick coats, loads of socks and some snow shoes. As we left the village and wandered north, a blizzard started up. Not just a normal blizzard though, a really strong, hurricane force wind, with endless snow. My phone rang (surprisingly it still worked in the horribly cold conditions) and T spoke. "Whatever you're doing, you'd better hurry it up, Rag! There's reports of blizzards globally, even in Death Valley and the Sahara!" "Working on it T!! Oh, you couldn't send me a bit of fire could you? And if you have another little gadget, one that can help me temporarily store energy for a bit longer, that would come in really useful!" "I can do better than that, I can send you a new power, but you will only have it for a day or two at the most!" "That may be a better idea, thanks T!" and within a few minutes of hanging up, a small vial of orange-glowing liquid appeared in front of my face, and I took a swig. My hands immediately burst into flames, and I used this new but temporary power to keep us all warm and to light the way. After what seemed like a few hours, we reached the frozen lake, and found no blizzard at all within the lake boundary. We looked to the centre of the lake and saw it. The huge ice castle of Chill, the bringer of an ice age.

- Posted using electrical energy absorbed via Chaos Touch to control my iPhone

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