Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Hero/Villain Information - Quell

Hello, this is Quell. Ragnarok wants us to talk about our power, which seems pointless, he's told you what we each do, but fine. Maybe a history lesson will make this worthwhile.

I am a power calmer or negater. I can calm powers down, or cancel their effects. I know there are people that can turn off other peoples powers, but I can't do that. If for example, this new recruit H2O were to shoot water at me, I could make it vanish on contact with me, but he would still have full control of his power. I can't do this to any body of water, just water affected by an ability. If someone were to throw a table at me, my power would be useless, but if they went to punch with super strength, it would only hit me as a normal punch. I have a little range, so with gestures and the like I could calm, say, a storm caused by an ability. Had I been available the other day, the ice age would have been cleared up a lot faster. I'm not saying I could have calmed it right down, but it would have been a lot weaker. It was where I was.

So, the history lesson. My father was a hero, with an ability, and kept the world safe for many years, until he was killed, by a villain. I have fought ever since. I had tracked him to Russia, but lost him, when I ran into SOLAR. I joined, hoping that they and Tempest could me find my fathers killer. He will pay.

I think that will do. Goodbye.

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